Emersyn Ashlee - Sitio Web Conmemorativo En Línea

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Emersyn Ashlee
Nacido enTexas
1 day
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Emersyn Ashlee, our angel of love, Taken so early to heaven above. We can't be there, We can't keep her warm, So it's up to the angels, To keep her from harm. Our hearts are broken, But we know she's safe, We'll meet again later, In a much better place, Our kisses we send, Our love will not falter, We'll remember her always, Emersyn Ashlee, our dear daughter. Love, Mom & Dad

This memorial website was created to remember our beautiful baby girl Emersyn Ashlee Anderson who was born in Texas on March 11, 2015 and passed away on March 11, 2015. She had a full head of curly black hair, fair skin, red-red lips, full chubby cheeks with sparkling blue eyes.  Emersyn Ashlee will always be in our hearts.

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